Overview #
Attributes flagged DirectoryOperation should be used for attribute types that are used for behind-the-scenes processing within the server and typically are not to be modified by user operations.
A usage of DSAOperation, DistributedOperation, or DirectoryOperation indicates that attributes of this type represent operational and/or administrative information. That is, they are Operational Attributes.[1]
More Information #
There might be more information for this subject on one of the following:- AdministrativeRole
- AdministratorsAddress
- Attribute Usage Flags
- AttributeSyntax
- AttributeTypes
- CollectiveAttributeSubentries
- CollectiveExclusions
- CreateTimestamp
- DITContentRules
- DITStructureRules
- DateOfBirth
- DepartmentNumber
- DetectIntruder
- DirXML-Associations
- DirXML-DriverStartOption
- DirXML-EntitlementRef
- DirXML-JavaDebugPort
- DirXML-NTAccountName
- DirXML-NamedPasswords
- DirXML-ShimAuthPassword
- DirXML-State
- DomainControllerFunctionality
- DomainFunctionality
- EDirectory Extended LDAP Flags
- EntryFlags
- EntryUUID
- Etag
- FederationBoundary
- ForestFunctionality
- GivenName
- GroupType
- IntruderLockoutResetInterval
- IpProtocolNumber
- IpServicePort
- IsDeleted
- IsRecycled
- LastLoginTime
- LastLogon
- LastLogonTimeStamp
- LdapStdCompliance
- LocalEntryID
- LocalReceivedUpTo
- LockedByIntruder
- LockoutAfterDetection
- LoginIntruderAddress
- LoginIntruderAttempts
- MemberQueryURL
- Memory
- ModifyTimestamp
- MsDS-AdditionalSamAccountName
- MsDS-Approx-Immed-Subordinates
- MsDS-HasInstantiatedNCs
- NDSPKIKeyMaterialDN
- NameForms
- NspmAdministratorChangeCount
- NspmDistributionPassword
- NspmDoNotExpirePassword
- NspmMaximumLength
- NspmPassword
- NspmPasswordACL
- NspmPasswordKey
- NumSubordinates
- Obituary
- ObjectClasses
- ObjectSID
- OperationalAttribute
- Owner
- PartitionStatus
- PasswordMinimumLength
- PasswordsUsed
- PwdChangeTime
- PwdChangedTime
- PwdEndTime
- PwdFailureTime
- PwdGraceUseTime
- PwdHistory
- PwdLastSuccess
- PwdPolicySubEntry
- PwdReset
- PwdStartTime
- Queue
- Reference
- Replica
- ReplicaUpTo
- Revision
- SchemaFlagsEx
- SearchFlags
- SeeAlso
- SerialNumber
- ServiceDNSName
- SubordinateCount
- SubschemaSubentry
- SynchronizedUpTo
- System-Id-Guid
- Timezone
- TombstoneLifetime
- TransitiveVector
- UnknownBaseClass
- X500UniqueIdentifier
- [#1] - http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4512.txtContent unavailable! (broken link)https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/images/out.png - based on 2013-04-10