Today, across Payment Networks, liability for card-present fraudulent transactions is generally the responsibility of Card Issuers.Originally, Beginning in October 2015, certain U.S. payment networks independently plan to implement fraud liability shifts that will impact transactions from a counterfeit card using Magnetic Stripe Card on a Chip Card and/or lost or stolen card transactions.
As of the date, liability for those transactions generally will shift to the acquirer/merchant in certain cases if they do not use EMV chip Card devices and applications to process payment transactions.
The impact of these EMV Liability Shift to the acquirer/merchant depends on whether:
- EMV chip cards (domestic and international – including credit and debit cards) are used
- EMV chip-enabled point-of-sale (POS) card payment acceptance devices/applications are deployed (excluding automated teller machines (ATMs) and automated fuel dispensers (AFDs)),