Eavesdropper (Eve) is a type of Passive attacker that passively observes an initiator's communications without the initiator's knowledge or authorization. (RFC 4949).More Information#
There might be more information for this subject on one of the following:- Authentication
- Backdoor
- Burrows Abadi Needham logic
- DNS Privacy Considerations
- DNS over HTTPS
- DNS over TLS
- Data Leakage
- Domain Name System
- Encryption
- Eve
- EvilRegime
- Intermediary
- International Mobile Subscriber Identity
- Keylogger
- Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
- Mix network
- OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps
- Observer
- Password-authenticated Key Exchange
- Privacy Considerations
- Privacy Considerations Distributed Ledger Technology
- Spying
- Spyware
- Surveillance