!!! Overview [{$pagename}] ([E2EE]) is a form of [End-to-End Communications] which requires the [encryption] of [data] by [Alice] and that [decryption] is __ONLY__ able to be performed by [Bob] [{$pagename}] ensures that [data] is turned into a secret [message] by the original sender ([Alice]), and [decrypted|Decryption] only by its final recipient ([Bob]). This implies [Surveillance] by [Eve] can __NOT__ perform [Decryption], including [Wi-Fi] cafe snoops, [Law Enforcement Agency], your [Internet Service Providers], [Proxy Servers], and even the [website] or [app] you are using. [{$pagename}] is considered more secure than [Transport Layer Security] ([TLS]) !! More Information There might be more information for this subject on one of the following: [{ReferringPagesPlugin before='*' after='\n' }] ---- * [#1] - [Don’t Let Encrypted Messaging Become a Hollow Promise|https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/dont-let-encrypted-messaging-become-hollow-promise|target='_blank'] - based on information obtained 2019-07-21 * [#2] - [What Is End-to-End Encryption and Why You Really Need It|https://squareup.com/us/en/townsquare/end-to-end-encryption|target='_blank'] - based on information obtained 2019-08-15