!!! Overview [{$pagename}] is a [GSMA] Profile for implementation of a [Rich Communication Services] ([RCS]) by [Mobile Network Operators] ([MNOs]), and [Mobile Device] [Operating Systems][{$pagename}] is [Messaging as a Platform] ([MaaP]) [{$pagename}] contains a set of Advanced Calling and Messaging features and agreed enablers for innovation such as: * application to person messaging ([chatbots]) * conversational commerce (the seamless integration of transactions and messaging) * evolving [SMS] As a result of the [{$pagename}] most smartphones will ship with a built-in [Rich Communication Services] ([RCS]) [app], so consumers will easily be able to text, chat and share media without having to identify and download which apps their contacts are using. !! More Information There might be more information for this subject on one of the following: [{ReferringPagesPlugin before='*' after='\n' }]