Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (ROPC) Grant Type may be used directly as an Authorization Grant to obtain an Access Token.Furthermore, adapting the resource owner password credentials grant to two-factor authentication, authentication with cryptographic credentials, and authentication processes that require multiple steps can be hard or impossible (WebCrypto, WebAuthn).
OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice section 3.4. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
At a high-level, this flow has the following steps:
- Your OAuth Client application collects a user's credentials.
- Your OAuth Client sends these OAuth Client to the Authorization Server.
- If the credentials are accurate, Authorization Server responds with the Access Token.
The credentials should only be used when there is a high degree of trust between the Resource Owner and the OAuth Client (e.g., the client is part of the device operating system or a highly privileged application), and when other authorization Grant Types are not available.
Some Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Authorization Server may also return a Refresh Token
Even though this Grant Type requires direct OAuth Client access to the Resource Owner credentials, the Resource Owner credentials are used for a single request and are exchanged for an Access Token. This Grant Type can eliminate the need for the client to store the Resource Owner credentials for future use, by exchanging the credentials with a long-lived Access Token or Refresh Token.[1]
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is typically used to convert legacy systems to OAuth 2.0 and no more secure than Basic Authentication Scheme.
- Convenient token renewal since a Refresh Token is provided
- Simple one-call is necessary to obtain Access Token and Refresh Token
- Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant exercises the Password Anti-Pattern which is Reduced Security
The OAuth Client sends the request to the token_endpoint of the Authorization Server and includes:- using a base64-encoded value of client_id:Client Secret in the Authorization Header
- the Resource Owner credentials are sent as form parameters names of "username" and "password"
- grant_type=password as a form parameter.
- [#1] - RFC 6749 Resource Owner Password CredentialsContent unavailable! (broken link)https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/images/out.png - based on data observed:2015-05-18
- [#2] - Microsoft identity platform and the OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credentialContent unavailable! (broken link)https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/images/out.png - based on information obtained 2019-07-26
- [#3] - Resource Owner Password FlowContent unavailable! (broken link)https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/images/out.png - based on information obtained 2019-07-26