
GCP Location is defined by a GCP Regional and a GCP Zonal. [1]

Some Google Cloud Platform products are GCP Multi-Regional and some are only GCP Regional GCP Location may be dependent on the Google Cloud Platform product or service.

Google Cloud Platform has several Cloud Regions, Cloud Zones, over 100 points of Google Edge Points of Presence

The Google Cloud Platform's services and resources can be GCP Zonal, GCP Regional, or GCP Multi-Regional.

To protect against the loss of an entire region due to natural disaster, you should have a disaster recovery plan and know how to bring up your application in the unlikely event that your primary GCP Regional is lost or use GCP Multi-Regional resources.


Google Cloud Platform

More Information#

There might be more information for this subject on one of the following:
  • [#1] - Cloud LocationsContent unavailable! (broken link)https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/images/out.png - based on information obtained 2017-08-15-